You need to master your body, thought process, emotions & feelings or the energy of your Self will start to dominate you.
Astro-healing or Astro-therapy is all about identifying and connecting the problem we are facing caused by astrological symbolism. Now a day, Astro-therapy is playing a pivotal role in the lives of the people who want to:
- Overcome the pessimistic emotional conditions and negative behaviours.
- Improve mental& physical wellness.
- See progress in their overall personality.
- Push their limits and go beyond the traditional thinking related to human capacity.
- Develop and enhance their calibre and skills.
- Overcome the challenges they are facing in their lives
Astro-healing is an expert counselling service designed in accordance to the client’s problems and requirements. We at Curominds respect all belief systems with best intentions to provide the best possible counselling services in Jaipur or outside. Curominds offers dedicated and customised assistance in the following:
- Complex Astro-Healing: A state of achieving a complete transformation in all the aspects connected with a specific chakra which affects mental, physical and emotional conditions. Marked changes can be seen in personal and professional relationships after getting healed.
- Targeted Astro-Healing: This healing helps you to achieve a specific or targeted goal in a particular field of life. The goals can be motivated by the desires to excel in the fields like education, career, love relationships, financial stability etc. by identifying the positive energy patterns in the natal horoscope
- Healing by using Astrological Map or Energy Map: This healing requires birth astrological chart, personalized horoscope to identify and assess the characteristics of the person, way of thinking, communication process, emotional needs and ability to express the same.
- Energy Astro-Healing: This healing encompasses all the aspects of a person’s personality which may cause problems if ignored like spiritual, physical, emotional and social states of being. It helps in balancing the inner energy and its flow.
Astro Healing includes following Services: