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Main Traits of the Best Emotional Counselling

Harriman defines counselling as “the psychotherapeutic relationship in which an individual receives direct help from an adviser or finds an opportunity to release negative feelings and thus clear the way for positive growth in personality”. Different kinds of counselling involve diverse approaches that seek to best guide individuals. Studies have shown that the best kind of practice is one where “empirical evidence supports the effectiveness of specific approaches and techniques”. Nevertheless, there are certain characteristics that form the crux of the best counselling, specifically emotional counselling. It would include shared qualities on the part of both the counsellor and the client.
Firstly, developing a therapeutic relationship with the client weaves the foundation of the counselling sessions and the approach taken towards treatment. According to Hill and Knox (2001), this relationship develops as a counsellor employs effective approaches that heighten client involvement, broaden therapist influence, and so fortify the alliance. The client can participate more actively in the process thanks to supportive and interesting methods.
Now, the emotional counselling by Curominds helps educating the particular client on their own experiences, their emotions and inner world. Awareness with respect to counselling techniques and how they serve to be effective need to be laid down in front of the client to build their trust in the approach.
Secondly, it is expected of a counsellor to hold space for active listening, with curiosity regarding the client’s emotions and experiences. Approaching their issues with empathy and patience is crucial to the process and helps in building trust on the client’s part. If an individual is not able to trust their counsellor, there remains little to zero scope for their sessions to move forward. The emotional counselling provided by Curominds assures expert counsellors who try their level best to help people find solution to their emotional turmoil.
Thirdly, a counsellor’s seat is one that requires them to resist the temptation to give advice, and furthermore, separate themselves from the client’s emotions. Allowing the individual to reach the process of self-actualization themselves is considered best. Guidance, though, is necessary.
This is generally termed as non-directive counselling, an approach that focuses on the client without directing their course of action. Client-centred Therapy was created by Carl Rogers in 1951 as a comprehensive framework for efficient counselling and therapy. So, to begin with, the counsellors at Curominds have empathy in order to comprehend the client’s phenomenological experience. Second, emotional counsellors’ unconditional positive regard contributes to the development of a welcoming, hospitable, tolerant, and accepting atmosphere in the therapeutic setting. Third, to maintain congruence, the counsellors at Curominds are sincere, forthcoming, and truthful in all of their contacts with patients. According to Rogers, these three elements are both necessary and sufficient to promote healthy improvement throughout therapy.
Thus, the supportive value of a collaborative emotional counselling relationship, the value of learning through experience, corrective emotional experiences and skill acquisition, and action through behaviour change, behaviour regulation and mastery are three common elements that characterize the best emotional counselling. Curominds provides the best emotional counselling services both online and offline.